lovers lane engagement

Lovers Lane Engagement
As a destination wedding photographer I am often in the Bay Area. When a couple asks me for suggestions on e session spots I always suggest to them a lovers lane engagement. Located inside the Presidio of San Fransisco this small but beautiful trails is absolutely gorgeous. The best time for shoots here is about 2 hours before sunset, which goes against my normal 1 hour before sunset rule. The reason being is during this time the light is brilliant, everything is vibrant and then things start to glow.
Lovers Lane Engagement sessions not only make for some amazing pictures this spot literally invokes all your senses. From the beautiful depth the tree line gives, the sounds of the wind blowing in the trees (which also makes your dress and hair look dreamy) but all you can smell the entire time you are here is eucalyptus. It absolutely invigorates you for your session, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized by the time its over. Scroll down through this beautiful Lovers Lane Engagement.Location: The Presidio
Photographer: Nick Hanyok Imaging
Tags: engagement